Select Virtual User Options from the tree-view.
This displays the Virtual User Options dialog.
The values have the following meaning.
Table 4.8. Virtual User Options
Option | Description |
Virtual Users | The number of Virtual Users to create. Note that when running a Timed Workload HammerDB will automatically create an additional Virtual User to monitor the workload. |
User Delay(ms) | User Delay(ms) defines the time to wait a Virtual User will wait behind the previous Virtual User before starting its test, this is to prevent a login storm with all Virtual Users attempting to login at the same time. |
Repeat Delay(ms) | Repeat Delay(ms) is the time that each Virtual User will wait before running its next Iteration of the Driver Script. For the TPROC-C workload this should be considered as an 'outer loop' to the 'inner loop' of the Total Transactions per User in the TPROC-C Driver Script. |
Iterations | Iterations is the number of times that the Driver Script is run in its entirety. |
Show Output | Show Output will report Virtual User Output to the Virtual User Output Window, For TPROC-C tests this should be enabled. |
Log Output to Temp | When enabled this appends all Virtual User Output to a text file in an available temp directory named hammerdb.log |
Use Unique Log Name | Use a unique identifier for the Log Name. |
No Log Buffer | By default text log output is buffered in memory before being written, this option writes the log output immediately. |
Log Timestamps | Add an additional line of output with a timestamp every time that the log is written to. |
Select the Virtual User options, Press OK.