When you have completed your Build Options click OK to store the values you have entered. To begin the schema creation select Build from the tree-view.
On clicking this button a dialog box is shown
When you click Yes HammerDB will login to your chosen database a monitor virtual user and depending on the database create the user with the password you have chosen. It will then log out and log in again as your chosen user, create the tables and then load the item table data before waiting and monitoring the other virtual users. The worker virtual users will wait for the monitor virtual user to complete its initial work. Subsequently the worker virtual users will create and insert the data for their assigned warehouses. There are no intermediate data files or manual builds required, HammerDB will both create and load your requested data dynamically. Data is inserted in a batch format for optimal network performance.
When the worker virtual users are complete the monitor virtual users will depending on the database create the indexes, stored procedures and gather the statistics. When the schema build is complete Virtual User 1 will display the message SCHEMA COMPLETE and all virtual users will show an end timestamp and that they completed their action successfully. If this is not the case then then build did not complete successfully, the schema is not valid for testing and should therefore be deleted and reinstalled.
If you have made a mistake simply close the application and run the following SQL to undo the user you have created.
SQL>drop user tpcc cascade;
Note that if Hash Clusters were used it will first be necessary to re-enable the table locks as follows before deleting the schema.
When you have created your schema you can verify the contents with SQL*PLUS or your favourite admin tool as the newly created user.
SQL> select tname, tabtype from tab; TNAME TABTYPE ------------------------------ ------- HISTORY TABLE CUSTOMER TABLE DISTRICT TABLE ITEM TABLE WAREHOUSE TABLE STOCK TABLE NEW_ORDER TABLE ORDERS TABLE ORDER_LINE TABLE 9 rows selected. SQL> select * from warehouse; W_ID W_YTD W_TAX W_NAME W_STREET_1 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- W_STREET_2 W_CITY W_ W_ZIP -------------------- -------------------- -- --------- 1 773095764 .11 4R0mUe rM8f7zFYdx JyiNY5zg1gQNBDO v2973cRoiFSJ0z OF 374311111 SQL> select index_name, index_type from ind; INDEX_NAME INDEX_TYPE ------------------------------ --------------------------- IORDL IOT - TOP ORDERS_I1 NORMAL ORDERS_I2 NORMAL INORD IOT - TOP STOCK_I1 NORMAL WAREHOUSE_I1 NORMAL ITEM_I1 NORMAL DISTRICT_I1 NORMAL CUSTOMER_I1 NORMAL CUSTOMER_I2 NORMAL 10 rows selected. SQL> SQL> select object_name from user_procedures; OBJECT_NAME ------------------------------ NEWORD DELIVERY PAYMENT OSTAT SLEV SQL> select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 as MB from user_segments; MB ---------- 838.125
If you have made a mistake simply close the application and in SQL Server Management Studio right-click the database and choose Delete. Select the Close existing connections checkbox and click OK. When you have created your schema you can verify the contents with the SQL Server Management Studio or SQL Connection, for example:
C:\Users>sqlcmd -S (local)\SQLDEVELOP -E -Q "use tpcc; select name from sys.tables" Changed database context to 'tpcc'. name --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSTOMER DISTRICT HISTORY ITEM NEW_ORDER ORDERS ORDER_LINE STOCK WAREHOUSE (9 rows affected) C:\Users>sqlcmd -S (local)\SQLDEVELOP -E -Q "use tpcc; select * from wareh ouse where w_id = 1" Changed database context to 'tpcc'. w_id w_ytd w_tax w_name w_street_1 w _street_2 w_city w_state w_zip padding 1 3000000.0000 .1000 s21C90Ft pd1mYv9GlqyIww u 6sOhAB9HF7iOZpM llz9x35NhpVcrJc47Wy VL 182111111 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(....) (1 rows affected)
When an In-memory schema has been created under SSMS right click the created database and select reports followed memory usage by memory optimized objects, this produces a report such as follows for a 10 warehouse configuration. As with an on-disk schema a rough estimate of 100MB per warehouse can be used for the space required. In particular note that SQL Server Express has a particularly small memory allocation of 252MB and can be used for tests on 1 warehouse only for a short period of time before this limit will be reached. The error reported in the log will be as follows:
Could not perform the operation because the database has reached its quota for in-memory tables.
Additionally after schema creation and during testing monitor bucket usage as follows:
use imoltp SELECT QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(t.schema_id)) + N'.' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(h.object_id)) as [table], i.name as [index], h.total_bucket_count, h.empty_bucket_count, FLOOR(( CAST(h.empty_bucket_count as float) / h.total_bucket_count) * 100) as [empty_bucket_percent], h.avg_chain_length, h.max_chain_length FROM sys.dm_db_xtp_hash_index_stats as h JOIN sys.indexes as i ON h.object_id = i.object_id AND h.index_id = i.index_id JOIN sys.memory_optimized_tables_internal_attributes ia ON h.xtp_object_id=ia.xtp_object_id JOIN sys.tables t on h.object_id=t.object_id WHERE ia.type=1 ORDER BY [table], [index];
This script produces a report as follows where the empty_bucket_percent should indicate a good level of free space and the max_chain_length is not too long.
If you have made a mistake simply close the application and run the following SQL to undo the user you have created.
db2inst1 ~]$ db2 drop database tpcc DB20000I The DROP DATABASE command completed successfully.
To browse the Db2 schema do the following.
[db2inst1 ~]$ db2 connect to tpcc Database Connection Information Database server = DB2/LINUXX8664 10.5.5 SQL authorization ID = DB2INST1 Local database alias = TPCC [db2inst1 ~]$ db2 (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1993,2007 Command Line Processor for DB2 Client 10.5.5 db2 => select * from warehouse fetch first 10 rows only W_NAME W_STREET_1 W_STREET_2 W_CITY W_STATE W_ZIP W_TAX W_YTD W_ID ---------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------- --------- ------------------------ -------------- ----------- 5SuPObQR4 FCPEw6PzfOCdp5DHDq7e d9lOkysRKPyPtqB G0Nt9PuUyR8qZxCOXms0 9Y 546011111 +1.70000E-001 3000000.00 1 QP75kKTagb sOaOeFYpGjc5lvA8BW f6HbFCH2S6mh cCPt1emu6hFjobgOqeP TT 533211111 +1.50000E-001 3000000.00 2 Hu3QQhR KwwcMmuWbpoiQRM 9MaTxygtYX4Dz NFSkHHdHyEChXclP4iqA cE 919511111 +1.60000E-001 3000000.00 3 aqN3Df PAJg6lOtk7r XxWjB1HMQhOlJ jknxafMFlirG8pUpntm mG 217211111 +1.80000E-001 3000000.00 4 zZBreP gCMDTWuJUHh AG0vp9mbvGh t7dDHFKFhd72WKP xa 342611111 +1.30000E-001 3000000.00 5 bleOmY pzPzlBidlwneHdMkq dmZvxDxmrL4WdQNg jC2DTpxGc1g1LQlk5P8n bt 980911111 +1.50000E-001 3000000.00 6 BFmMdkLUUK joucFFovxwZWcdsBPZ IBjiEBzqn7dtuU 8FNwUX40bJ56Iwh gC 751911111 +1.00000E-001 3000000.00 7 xWY9EugeeD t5dK0z1bQWwEuMGMnb59 sYEzAdgb9FeuX K7PkSQHSno0NSHEet4xr 1Q 270611111 +1.70000E-001 3000000.00 8 5XtsHe1kw uNJGs1Y1lQnYLAX qvOfjMIqml5kHzm C3iX14JTbnCyoRVR ai 203011111 +2.00000E-001 3000000.00 9 t89Pm591 CKjgdxmZ5AgvZ LqyRXzAoFUO 2O0j38eGPNMXFb XU 372011111 +1.40000E-001 3000000.00 10 10 record(s) selected. db2 =>
If you have made a mistake simply close the application and run the following SQL to undo the database you have created.
SQL>drop database tpcc;
you can verify the contents with SQL or your favourite admin tool as the newly created user.
mysql> use tpcc; Database changed mysql> show tables; +----------------+ | Tables_in_tpcc | +----------------+ | customer | | district | | history | | item | | new_order | | order_line | | orders | | stock | | warehouse | +----------------+ 9 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select * from warehouse limit 1 \G *************************** 1. row *************************** w_id: 1 w_ytd: 3000000.00 w_tax: 0.1300 w_name: mBr6dkgK w_street_1: FH0SO5CUEREo w_street_2: cBcStSxKcIIs4IAUUsJy w_city: FKaak9ZBgtJr3Tr6gESW w_state: Tt w_zip: 432611111 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> show indexes from warehouse \G *************************** 1. row *************************** Table: warehouse Non_unique: 0 Key_name: PRIMARY Seq_in_index: 1 Column_name: w_id Collation: A Cardinality: 10 Sub_part: NULL Packed: NULL Null: Index_type: BTREE Comment: Index_comment: 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select routine_name from information_schema.routines where routine_schema = 'TPCC'; +--------------+ | routine_name | +--------------+ | DELIVERY | | NEWORD | | OSTAT | | PAYMENT | | SLEV | +--------------+ 5 rows in set (0.03 sec)
If you have made a mistake simply close the application and run the following SQL to undo the user you have created.
postgres=# drop database tpcc; postgres=# drop role tpcc;
You can browse the created schema, for example:
-bash-4.1$ ./bin/psql -d tpcc Password: psql.bin ( Type "help" for help. tpcc=# select relname, n_tup_ins - n_tup_del as rowcount from pg_stat_user_tables; relname | rowcount ------------+---------- orders | 300000 district | 100 stock | 1000000 warehouse | 10 history | 300000 new_order | 90000 item | 100000 order_line | 3001170 customer | 300000 (9 rows)