To begin the workload type vurun.
hammerdb>vurun RUNNING - Redis TPC-C Vuser 1:RUNNING Vuser 1:Connection made to Redis at Vuser 1:Selecting Namespace 1 Vuser 1:Beginning rampup time of 1 minutes Vuser 2:RUNNING Vuser 2:Connection made to Redis at Vuser 2:Selecting Namespace 1 Vuser 2:Processing 1000000 transactions with output suppressed... Vuser 3:RUNNING Vuser 3:Connection made to Redis at Vuser 3:Selecting Namespace 1 Vuser 3:Processing 1000000 transactions with output suppressed... Vuser 4:RUNNING Vuser 4:Connection made to Redis at Vuser 4:Selecting Namespace 1 Vuser 4:Processing 1000000 transactions with output suppressed... Vuser 5:RUNNING Vuser 5:Connection made to Redis at Vuser 5:Selecting Namespace 1 Vuser 5:Processing 1000000 transactions with output suppressed...
The vustatus command can confirm the change in status.
hammerdb>vustatus 1 = RUNNING 2 = RUNNING 3 = RUNNING 4 = RUNNING 5 = RUNNING
The vucomplete command returns a boolean value to confirm whether an entire workload is still running or finished.
hammerdb>vucomplete false
The test runs as per the configuration and reports the result at the end and the Virtual User status. Note that when complete the vucomplete command can confirm this.
Vuser 1:Rampup 1 minutes complete ... Vuser 1:Rampup complete, Taking start Transaction Count. Vuser 1:Timing test period of 3 in minutes Vuser 1:1 ..., Vuser 1:2 ..., Vuser 1:3 ..., Vuser 1:Test complete, Taking end Transaction Count. Vuser 1:4 Active Virtual Users configured Vuser 1:TEST RESULT : System achieved 2887487 Redis TPM at 24374 NOPM Vuser 1:FINISHED SUCCESS Vuser 5:FINISHED SUCCESS Vuser 4:FINISHED SUCCESS Vuser 3:FINISHED SUCCESS Vuser 2:FINISHED SUCCESS ALL VIRTUAL USERS COMPLETE hammerdb>vucomplete true
To complete the test type vudestroy.
hammerdb>vudestroy Destroying Virtual Users Virtual Users Destroyed
and clear the script.
hammerdb>clearscript Script cleared