How to understand TPC-C tpmC and TPROC-C NOPM and what is ‘good’ performance?

More than ever, we see confusion in interpreting and comparing the performance of databases with workloads derived from the TPC-Council’s TPC-C specification, including HammerDB’s TPROC-C NOPM and TPM.

In this post, we revisit how to interpret transactional database performance metrics and give guidance on what levels of performance should be expected on up-to-date hardware and software in 2024.


tpmC is the transactions per minute metric that is the measurement of the official TPC-C benchmark from the TPC-Council. To be more specific, tpmC measures the rate of New Order transactions only, executed per minute, while the database is also processing other transactions. Therefore, the tpmC is not the same as the number of total database transactions (i.e. transactions commits and rollbacks) recorded from the database metrics. This is an important concept, as different database engines may produce better performance with different ratios between tpmC and database transactions. Put simply, some database engines may perform better committing more frequently and some less so. Therefore, tpmC is the official metric and this is not the same as measuring database transactions.

Importantly, TPC-C and tpmC are registered trademarks of the TPC-Council. Without exception, TPC-C and tpmC can only be used for official audited TPC-C benchmarks published here by the TPC-Council. If a benchmark claiming a tpmC metric has not been audited and approved by the TPC-Council, then it is invalid as well as violating the registered trademarks of the TPC-C, only benchmarks found at the TPC-Council can use TPC-C and tpmC.

The TPC provide the specification for the TPC-C benchmark for free and workloads can be implemented derived from the specification, however it is not permitted to use the official terminology unless audited and HammerDB does not use the TPC-C and tpmC terminology to respect the TPC’s trademark.


HammerDB implements a workload derived from the TPC-C specification called TPROC-C. HammerDB reports two metrics, NOPM and TPM.  The easiest way to understand NOPM and TPM is to think of the two metrics as the same you see on a dashboard. NOPM is how fast you are going, i.e. throughput, and TPM is how hard the engine is working to deliver that throughput.

The two metrics are relative, however, they are not the same.


The HammerDB NOPM metric measures the rate of New Order transactions only, executed per minute, while the database is also processing other transactions. It therefore measures and reports the same metric as the official tpmC, however we are permitted to use tpmC for the reasons given in the section above. The NOPM value is the key measure of workload throughput.


TPM is the metric derived from the database engine of the number of commits and rollbacks it is processing. This metric will relate to the transaction counter of database tools, for example Batches/sec in activity monitor for SQL Server Management studio. This metric allows you to relate database performance to the performance analysis of a specific database engine, however should not be compared between database engines. Where you see a similar TPS metric, simply multiply by 60 for a TPM equivalent. Note that we should typically expect TPM to be at least double that of NOPM and therefore be aware of comparing a TPM/TPS value from one workload with the NOPM value of another.

Fixed throughput workloads

Another concept to be familiar with, when comparing TPC-C derived workloads, is that of fixed throughput workloads and implementing keying and thinking time delays between transactions.  When using tpmC for an officially audited benchmark, this must be a fixed throughput workload, where each individual database session adds throughput so that the workload scales as we add more warehouses and users (and is another very good technical as well as legal reason not to use tpmC incorrectly). This type of approach can be implemented with HammerDB with the asynchronous scaling option as described in this post.

How to run a fixed throughput workload with HammerDB

However, with HammerDB at very early stages of development, it was identified that the performance ratio observed between systems was the same with both the HammerDB default workload without keying and thinking time as the official published TPC-C benchmarks with keying and thinking time.

Why this would be the case is straightforward. With an official TPC-C benchmarks there tends to be a TP Monitor or middleware between the clients and the server and therefore the clients are not connecting directly to the database. An official benchmark will not typically be implemented with thousands of connections to the database, instead the connections are managed by the middleware, as HammerDB does with asynchronous scaling where each Virtual User manages a much larger user defined number of connections. It is the middleware which maintains connections to the database, again typically in the low hundreds, that are driving high levels of throughput. This is why the default no key and think time approach produces similar scaling ratios to the official implementations.

Response Times

With HammerDB if you select the time profile checkbox it will record the response times of all the transactions. As shown below, using the HammerDB web service to view the results.  NEWORD is transaction that we are measuring for the NOPM metric.

Clearly, there is a relationship between response times and throughput.  For example, if we increase the number of virtual users and see performance at or lower than we saw at a lower number of virtual users, then the response times will be higher. For a ‘good’ level of throughput as we shall discuss in the next section our response should be in the low single-digit or tens of milliseconds. We should not expect response times to be in the region of hundreds or thousands of milliseconds (i.e. seconds).


What is ‘good’ performance?

Firstly, it is worth noting that database performance is relative.  With a high-performance database platform, you can do more with less to achieve the same results. However, there are trade-offs with, for example, uptime and reliability and for example a distributed database environment may provide lower performance results and higher response times but higher levels of availability.

Also, price/performance is an important, unless you have an unlimited budget you should always consider the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for a 3-year period of the system to gauge how much a particular level of performance will cost you.

Nevertheless, the key concept of database benchmarking is repeatability, if you set up exactly the same database configuration and run HammerDB against it, you should expect the same result. Any difference in performance can be attributed to the changes that you make.  Therefore, even when your testing environment is delivering throughput that far exceeds your expected production database performance, a test system that delivers better performance in a HammerDB test will also have the potential to outperform one for your real-world applications.

With these caveats, we can say that all the database engines that HammerDB supports can exceed 1M (1 million) NOPM for the HammerDB TPROC-C test, with the following example showing MariaDB.

Also note as discussed that the database transaction rate exceeds 2M more than double the NOPM value as expected.

So, regardless of database engine, we have the potential to see HammerDB TPROC-C performance in the millions of NOPM and transactions. Of course, the exact figure that you see will depend on both hardware and software or more specifically for hardware – the CPU, memory, I/O and the ability of the engineer to configure and tune the hardware platform and for database software the ability of the engineer to configure and tune the database software and operating system (and virtualization layer), as well as to setup up run HammerDB. Results in the 10’s of millions are not uncommon with the most advanced hardware, software and expertise.


We have seen what metrics are important to a TPC-C derived test and how to interpret them.  We have also seen what constitutes ‘good’ performance on an up-to-date system.

As a final point, it is worth noting that the commercial database supported by HammerDB have been running the TPC-C workload that HammerDB is derived from for a long-time and a comparatively large amount of time and effort went into ensuring these databases ran the TPC-C workload very well. Unsurprisingly, this translates directly into HammerDB performance, and with the right hardware and engineer expertise the commercial databases will both perform and scale well and set the bar as would be expected.

Additionally, open source database performance is improving rapidly all the time, and we have seen open source databases more than double performance in HammerDB tests in recent years compared to earlier releases. Always consider the latest releases when evaluating the potential of open source database performance. The ability to compare and contrast the performance of different database engines rather than running test workloads entirely in isolation that only run against one database is crucial to this improvement.

There has never been a more important time to be running your own database benchmarks to continually evaluate the optimal database platform for your needs.









Diagnosing CPU faults and performance with HammerDB

An often overlooked aspect of database benchmarking is that it should be used to stress test databases on all new hardware environments before they enter production. In this post we will look at an example of issue diagnosis and resolution with the desktop CPU Intel® Core™ i9-14900K as well as examples of measuring database performance with both the performance and efficient cores with this CPU. We will look at some initial TPROC-C tests with SQL Server 2022 and Windows 11 with what we learned from the configuration.

APPCRASH and Diagnosis

To begin with, running in the default environment with a low number of Virtual Users works as expected, however as soon as we start to increase the number of Virtual Users, HammerDB crashes with an example error as below.

Faulting application name: wish90.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x6749d6f6
Faulting module name: tcl90.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x6749d49c
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x00000000001577ec
Faulting process id: 0x2510
Faulting application start time: 0x1DB44CF52D8545D
Faulting application path: E:\HammerDB-5.0-Win\HammerDB-5.0\bin\wish90.exe
Faulting module path: E:\HammerDB-5.0-Win\HammerDB-5.0\bin\tcl90.dll
Report Id: 364bd54e-7da0-4984-9d78-eb6c4ee343ea
Faulting package full name: 
Faulting package-relative application ID:

Looking in the Windows event logs we can see associated errors related to CPU instability.

A corrected hardware error has occurred.

Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Corrected Machine Check
Error Type: Internal parity error
Processor APIC ID: 32

whilst every workload we run resulting in application crashes or BSOD with errors such as CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT, clearly highlighting a problem with our configuration.

Whereas a user might initially look to errors in the application as the cause of the issue, searching for the errors we see in the system logs leads us to the following link Vmin Shift Instability Root Cause specifically related to the Intel® Core™ i9-14900K with the resolution given as follows “For all Intel® Core™ 13th/14th Gen desktop processor users: the 0x12B microcode update must be loaded via BIOS update and has been distributed to system and motherboard manufacturers to incorporate into their BIOS.”

We have therefore diagnosed and resolved an issue with database performance through stress testing the platform with HammerDB.

Testing the Solution

Now we have updated the system BIOS with the 0x12B microcode update, the system or application no longer crashes and the schema build completes as expected.

We can now run a test for a longer duration with the system exhibiting stability

at 2M SQL Server TPM

and a highly respectable throughput of 800K+ NOPM for a desktop environment.

CPU affinity and calibration

However we can see from the HammerDB CPU metrics that of the 32 logical CPUs available the first 16 cores appear to be underutilised during the test. (Another important CPU check is to identify individual cores with high levels of system utilisation, that could identify individual cores overburdened with interrupts). Additionally if we check the configuration of the i9-14900K we can see that there are 24 cores in this CPU of which 8 are performance cores,  16 efficient cores and hyper-threading  is only available on Performance-cores, therefore the first 16 logical CPUs on the system could be the 2 x logical CPUs of the performance cores.

With SQL Server we can check this by manually setting the Processor Affinity

and using a single-threaded CPU test as described in the HammerDB documentation.

In this case we create and run the following routine on SQL Server

USE [tpcc]
         @n numeric(16,6) = 0,
         @a DATETIME,
         @b DATETIME
         @f int
      SET @f = 1
      WHILE @f <= 10000000 
      SET @n = @n % 999999 + sqrt(@f)
            SET @f = @f + 1
         PRINT ‘Timing = ‘ + ISNULL(CAST(DATEDIFF(MS, @a, @b)AS VARCHAR),”)
         PRINT ‘Res = ‘+ ISNULL(CAST(@n AS VARCHAR),”)

Running this test firstly on firstly CPUs 0-15 and then 16-31 confirms our expectations that with a single-thread 0-15 completes the test in just over 5 seconds

Timing = 5350
Res = 873729.721235

(1 row affected)

Completion time: 2024-12-03T13:22:00.6322394+00:00

and 12 seconds on CPUs 16-31

Timing = 12013
Res = 873729.721235

(1 row affected)

Completion time: 2024-12-03T13:22:59.1543056+00:00

Using this knowledge what if we set for example the CPU affinity to the first 24 CPUs only. Re-running the test show we are now using the performance cores

and seeing a boost in performance

and when the test completes we have now reached the symbolic 1M NOPM in a desktop environment, importantly without any system instabilities.

As we have run the CPU single-threaded tests in T-SQL for completeness we can also run the same test within HammerDB itself, with an elapsed time of just over 1 second showing that the client side logic of HammerDB offers high levels of performance compared to database stored procedures.

We can also verify from system tools that the CPU is reaching the levels of frequency expected from the configuration.

(Note that as the test completes so quickly you can increase the number of iterations in the loop to observe the boost in frequency for longer.)


What we observed from these tests is that ALL hardware and software environments should be stress tested, up to and beyond expected operating conditions to identify potential issues. In this example we found a repeatable way with HammerDB to identify and resolve a CPU instability issue, however issues can also occur for example at the memory and I/O layers, stress testing and observing system logs is the best practice to identify these before the configuration is deployed in production.

We also used the HammerDB CPU metrics to observe the distribution of the CPU utilisation across the available CPUs and use SQL Server CPU affinity to improve performance by 17% over the default configuration using the knowledge we had of this particular CPU’s configuration.